Monday, July 12, 2010

Last night was a really good night!

2010-07-12_235317 2010-07-12_235750 61025708

Images via Jezebel.

First time I care about anything sports related!

(Even though people can be really annoying and insane and I don’t understand how people can jam a two lane road to celebrate and generally make a super huge useless fuss and get drunk on top of cars and block the entrance to the gas station when we’ve been in a traffic jam for THREE HOURS AGHHHHHHH).

Felicitaciones, chicos!

1 comment:

  1. I was so glad Spain won. After not caring at the beginning & then watching Holland play so dirty it was just a relief (morally!) that Spain won. & that player number 5 who looks like a hobbit (not really into sport...) is so lovely!

    Totally deserved.
